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Film Synopsis:

An imposing black structure provides a connection between the past and the future in this enigmatic adaptation of a short story by revered sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke. When Dr. Dave Bowman (Keir Dullea) and other astronauts are sent on a mysterious mission, their ship's computer system, HAL, begins to display increasingly strange behavior, leading up to a tense showdown between man and machine that results in a mind-bending trek through space and time.

Directed by Stanley Kubrick

G ‧ 1968 ‧ Sci-fi/Adventure ‧ 2h 29m


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Theater Info: Doors at 5:30 pm / Screening at 6:00 pm

Tickets are limited, so buy yours now!

Once you've completed your purchase, your name will be added to the admissions list. You can arrive at the theater once doors have opened to claim your ticket.


2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY \ Story Screen Cinema \ SUN 01/19 6pm

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