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ANNOUNCING: Climate Action Film Festival (CAFF) 2020

Story Screen

Created by Storytellers, for Storytellers.

The first annual Climate Action Film Festival is a celebration of short films with a focus on solutions to the climate crisis. It is the first festival of its kind to exclusively feature storytelling around solutions rather than simply the impacts of climate change. CAFF 2020 will be a touring, single-night event featuring approximately 90 minutes of short films. The festival will tour the Northeast U.S. in its inaugural year, with additional screenings to be added.

Solutions to the climate crisis are being implemented every day around the world, from rebuilding coastal estuaries to bringing solar power to remote communities. From farmers in the Hudson Valley to takeovers in Times Square, everyone can be a part of the solution. Take action for the planet and join us a screening on March 7th and 8th!

Tickets are $10. Proceeds from these screenings will be donated to New Yorkers for Clean Power & the Student Climate Coalition.

Tickets may be purchased at the Story Screen Box Office or online here.


Screenings of the following films will be held at Story Screen Beacon Theater on Saturday, March 7th at 7:00 PM and Sunday, March 8th at 6:00 PM.

Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the Story Screen box office or online here.

Nature Now

Directed by Tom Mustill - 4 min

Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot call for protection, restoration, and investment in natural climate solutions.


Naturally Selected

Directed by Jimmy Evans - 9 min

A tireless volunteer leads a group of young activists to restore wetlands and mangrove forests in Miami.


Blue Carbon

Directed by Benjamin Drummond & Sara Joy Steele - 6 min

In coastal Washington, scientists study the many benefits of estuaries and the power of blue carbon as a climate mitigation tool.


Valve Turners

Directed by Steve Liptay - 9 min

In one of the biggest coordinated moves on energy infrastructure in American history, a team of climate activists shuts down pipelines carrying oil sands from Canada into the United States.


Times Square Takeover

Directed by Joel Bach - 7 min

A group of protestors stages a demonstration in the heart of New York City to draw attention to the climate crisis.


Words Have Power

Directed by Lynne Cherry - 6 min

13-year-old Jaysa rallies her Connecticut community at public hearings in a fight to shut down a coal-fired power plant in her backyard.


It Took A Village

Directed by Adam Deen - 6 min

A SunCommon Story: A community in Red Hook, NY comes together to build a solar array that will provide clean energy to hundreds of homes.


Water Warriors

Directed by Michael Premo - 22 min

When an energy company begins searching for natural gas in New Brunswick, Canada, indigenous and white families unite to drive them out and protect their water and way of life.


Keeping Carbon

Directed by Jon Bowermaster - 12 min

Farmers in New York’s Hudson Valley* use regenerative agricultural methods to keep carbon in the ground. *Featuring local Chaseholm Farm in Pine Plains, NY.


Rise: From One Island to Another

Directed by Dan Lin - 7 min

Two indigenous poets from opposite sides of the world meet at the source of our rising seas to share a moment of solidarity.


Proceeds from these film screenings will benefit our partners to support their climate advocacy efforts in 2020.




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