Ep 161: Cathode Ray Cast - Freaks and GeeksStory ScreenApr 22, 2019 The latest episode of Cathode Ray Cast finds host Bernadette Gorman-White chatting with guests Diana DiMuro and Stamper about one of the greatest, however short-lived, comedy shows of all time: Freaks and Geeks. Check it out: Listen on SoundCloud #Newsletter #Podcast #FreaksandGeeks #TV #CathodeRayCast #BernadetteGormanWhite #DianaDiMuro #KatelynStamper
The latest episode of Cathode Ray Cast finds host Bernadette Gorman-White chatting with guests Diana DiMuro and Stamper about one of the greatest, however short-lived, comedy shows of all time: Freaks and Geeks. Check it out: Listen on SoundCloud #Newsletter #Podcast #FreaksandGeeks #TV #CathodeRayCast #BernadetteGormanWhite #DianaDiMuro #KatelynStamper