Story ScreenJan 28, 2020Ep 196: Hot Takes - 1917Wherein we talk about a great movie about The Great War.
Story ScreenJan 20, 2020Ep 194: Cathode Ray Cast - Watchmen S1We watched the Watchmen, and so should you.
Story ScreenJan 6, 2020Ep 192: Hot Takes - Uncut GemsOne of the best experiences you'll have at a theater is happening right now. Act accordingly.
Story ScreenDec 25, 2019Ep 189: Hot Takes - The IrishmanLuckily we stopped making podcasts that were as long as this movie a while ago.
-Dec 23, 2019A Meditation on Redemption: A Review of BoJack Horseman, S6 Pt1The road to redemption has become less and less clear these days...
Story ScreenDec 20, 2019Ep 188: Hot Takes - Star Wars Ep IX: The Rise of SkywalkerThe end of The Saga© has arrived, and everyone is gonna have major thoughts. Here's ours.